Here are the shows we posted this week!
Life Of Tiberius 24 – The Virgin Birth Defence
Tiberius’ position on maiestas (treason) started to harden over time. By the year 22, according to Tacitus, the charge of maiestas was pretty standard in most trials. Meanwhile, Aemilia Lepida tried Barry & Stan’s Virgin Birth Defence.
Cold War 113 – Toxic Nuts
Ho wonders aloud to a journalist why the Vietnamese were not being given the same opportunity as the Philippines, who had just been given their independence from the US, or India, which had just won its independence from the UK.All the Americans seem to care about is whether or not he’s a Communist.Meanwhile French Minister of War Paul Coste-Floret declared, “There is no more military problem in Indochina. The success of our arms is complete.”And France has Madagascar problems involving toxic nuts.
Renaissance Times 47 – Rise Of The Medici (Part IX)
When the Florentines attack the town of Lucca in 1430, Milan sends mercenary Francesco Sforza to their defense. The Florentines, outmatched militarily, do what rich people always do when they get in trouble – they bribe their way out of it.
QAV S01E05 – Steve Sammartino
Our very first guest! Steve Sammartino is another old friend of Cameron’s. He is also a successful sharemarket investor, with 25+ years experience, although his strategy is a little different and much less hands-on than Tony’s. Steve is also an author, futurist, consultant and speaker.